Between April 27-29, 2017, the "Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy hosted the XXIIth Edition of the International Student Session SECOSAFT 2017 and the IInd Edition of the International Salon of Innovation and Scientific Research Students - Cadet INOVA`17..
At SECOSAFT 2017 participated 224 students from universities in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary and 161 scientific papers were drafted on the following sections: military sciences, international relations, economics and legal sciences, socio-human sciences, technical sciences and foreign languages.
"Cadet INOVA" is an event promoted under the patronage of the Romanian Inventors Forum, in order to support scientific innovation and research at national and international level in the view of young researchers. There were 78 students, master students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers with 43 inventions and innovations from Romania, Malaysia, Hungary and Poland.