International Programmes Microstructure functions within "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy of Sibiu and it is responsible for the Programmes and International relations within Erasmus+ program, at institutional level.

    International Programmes Microstructure functions according to the:

    a) Regulations (EU) no. 1288/2013 of European Parliament and of the European Council from 11 December 2013 of Erasmus+ training mobility, European Union Programme for Education, Youth Formation and Sport and abrogation of Decisions no. 1719/2006/EC, no. 1720/2006/EC and no. 1298/2008/EC;
    b) Order on Erasmus+ Offices functioning in accredited higher education institutions and establishing their responsibilities;
    c) Order or the Ministry of Education no. 3223 from 08.02.2012 for approving the methodology for acknowledging the periods of study abroad;
    d) Erasmus Charter for Higher Education;
    e) National Education Law no.199/2023;
    f) "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy Charter;
    g) Erasmus+Guide;
    h) "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy's Senate decision no. 309/19.11.2014 of establishing the Erasmus+ Office.
Erasmus+ Coordinator - RAMONA-ELENA HERMAN;
Institutional Adviser - OANA-ALEXANDRA DUMITRIU;
Institutional Adviser - CRISTIAN BADEA;

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