June 13, 1847 – the first officer school training Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery officers was founded in Bucharest;
July 1, 1920 – after the Unification, the second military school training Infantry officers was founded in Sibiu;
1932 – the only school training active Infantry officers, functioning under the name of “Principele Carol”;
December 13, 1952 – its name was changed into the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Military Infantry School;
July 1,1961 – the school functioned in the present location, training officers in all branches and services;
March 22, 1991 – it became the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Military Institute for Infantry, Frontier Guard and Chemistry. The institution’s patron Nicolae Bălcescu (29.06.1819-29.11.1852) was a Romanian soldier, historian, journalist, and leader of the 1848 Wallachian Revolution;
June 15, 1995 – the Ground Troops Academy was founded as a Military Higher Education Institute;
August 1, 2000 – its name was changed into the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy;
April 23, 2002 – the “Management of Organization” study program was accredited in the field of Military Sciences and Intelligence;
June 30, 2003 – the “Economic-Financial Management” study program in the field of Military Sciences and the “Public Administration” in the field of Administrative Sciences were temporarily authorized;
September 1, 2008 – the Faculty of Military Management was set up;
June 10, 2010 – external evaluation by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Standards – HIGH CONFIDENCE RATING;
June 30, 2010 – the “Economic-Financial Management”, “Public Administration“ and “Management of Organization” Bachelor’s study programs were accredited;
August 11, 2010 – Master’s study programs were accredited in the field of “Military Sciences and Intelligence”: “Organizational Leadership”, “Management of Organizational Capabilities” and “Management and Technology”;
September 5, 2011 – the “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy is classified by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport as a University of Education and Research;
November 21-23, 2012 – 1st visit of evaluation by the European University Association;
February 18-20, 2013 – 2nd visit of evaluation by the European University Association;
December 17, 2013 – Awarded Best Regional University and Best Manager titles by European Bussiness Association/Club of Rectors;
February 26, 2015 – reaccreditation of the program of study Economic Financial Management and authorization of the program of study Management of Military Communications Systems;
April 27, 2015 – Faculty of Military Sciences was set up;
June 9-14, 2015 – Organization and hosting of International Military Academic Forum - IMAF;
March 31, 2016 – Institutional academic reaccreditation and reacreditation of the programs “Management of Organization” and “Public Administration”;
June 30, 2016 – Authorization of the program “Military Leadership”;
January 4, 2017 – Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences was set up;
April 11-14, 2017 – Authorization visit of the “Accounting and Management Information Systems” program and the “Engineering and Management in the field of Military Communications” program of study;
April 27, 2017 – Authorization of the “Accounting and Management Information Systems program of study”.