"Nicolae Balcescu"
Land Forces Academy
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About us
Rector's message
Management team
Study programs
Faculty of Military Management
Faculty of Military Sciences
Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
Military trainning center
Doctoral School
Foreign Language Centre
Moodle Elearning Platform
Scientific events
EDT Conference
Research publications
Scientific Bulletin
Land Forces Academy Review
Guidelines for Ethical Conduct
Research catalogue
International relations
Registration for incoming STA/STT mobilities
The European initiative for the exchange of young officers
International Military Academic Forum
Other international activities
Future International events
Cooperation Relations
Erasmus+ Cooperation Relations
EMILYO Cooperation Relations
Other Cooperation Relations
The Commander's Gallery
The Commander's Gallery
1847-1848 Lt. Greceanu
1848-1849 COL A. Banov
1849-1852 COL E. Salmen
1852-1859 COL D. Costaforu
1859-1862 COL A. Rahtivan
1862-1863 COL Lamy
1862 Cpt. Gh. Lecca
1863-1866 COL I. Macovei
1866-1869 COL C. Barozzi
1869-1872 COL E. Pencovici
1872-1873 COL O. Sachelarie
1873-1876 COL Gh. Slaniceanu
1876-1877 COL I. Dunca
1878-1879 COL I. Carp
1879-1883 COL D. Maican
1883-1884 COL C. Bratianu
1884-1887 COL C. Poenaru"
1887-1888 COL S. Voinescu"
1888 COL M. Popescu"
1889-1893 COL S. Baicoianu"
1893 COL M. Pastia"
1893-1894 COL A. Tell"
1894-1896 COL A. Anghelescu"
1896-1897 COL P. Vartiadi"
1897 COL M. Aslan"
1898-1901 COL C. Cica"
1901-1904 COL V. Zotu"
1904-1906 COL D. Cotescu"
1906-1908 COL I. Gardescu"
1908-1911 LTC I. Dragalina
1911-1916 LTC E. Mladian
1920-1928 COL C. Vasilescu
1928-1932 COL Th. Teodorian
1932-1934 COL N. Macici
1934-1935 COL R. Falfanescu
1935-1937 COL I. Sipiceanu
1937-1940 COL R. Baldescu
1937 LTC V. Georgescu
1940-1942 COL A. Runceanu
1942-1943 COL Gh.A. Ionescu
1944-1945 COL C. Ionescu
1945-1946 COL I. Gheorghiu
1946 COL Cristea Stanescu
1947-1948 LTC Sabareanu
1948-1949 COL R. Apostol
1949-1950 LTC A. Moisescu
1950-1951 LTC I. Milosoiu
1951-1953 LTC C. Draghicescu
1953-1955 Gl. N. Toader
1955-1957 Gl. A. Visan
1957-1960 COL C. Negrini
1960-1961 COL M. Topor
1961-1962 COL St. Nazarie
1962-1973 Gl. S. Stanescu
1973-1986 Gl. T. Mitroescu
1987-1990 LTC Alexandru Dragomir
1991-1997 BG Neculai Stoina
1997 BG Viorel Barloiu, PhD
1998-2001 MG Liviu Habian, PhD
2001-2005 MG Gheorghe Nicolae Uscoi, PhD
2005-2008 COL Alexandru Babos, PhD
2008-2009 COL Gheorghe Udeanu, PhD
2009-2010 COL Benoni Sfarlog, PhD
2011– BG Ghita Barsan, PhD
Historical survey
LFA History
The Commander's Gallery