The XXIth Edition of The Knowledge-Based Organization, KBO 2015, organized by the "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy, continued the tradition of previous editions, bringing to the participants new approaches and ideas regarding the central issues of the conference.
At the event were presented 153 papers with 214 authors from different institutions in Romania, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Papua New Guinea.
The conference program was designed on 7 sections, namely: Security and Defense; Management; Economic Sciences, Administrative and Juridical Sciences; Social Sciences and Foreign Languages; Fundamental Sciences, Advanced Military Technique and Network Architecture; Military Mechanical Technologies, Decision Support Systems and CBRN in Military Operations.
Conference proceedings
Management and military sciences
Economic, social and administrative approaches to the knowledge-based organization
Technical sciences and military technologies
International indexing (starting with year) 2015
Baidu Scholar
CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)