KBO 2024 at “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy in Sibiu

"Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy in Sibiu hosted, this week, the 30th edition of the International Scientific Conference „The Knowledge-Based Organization (KBO)” 2024, an event organized under the aegis of the Romanian Academy of Scientists.

183 authors from higher education institutions and research centers from Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, and Hungary signed up for this year's edition, with a total of 100 papers being presented in the following panels: Security and Defense, Education and Multiculturalism, Economics, Administration, Governance and Law, Management and Leadership, Technical Sciences and Technology.

In the opening speech, the President of the International Scientific Committee, Brigadier General Prof. Eng. Ghiță Bârsan PhD, rector of "Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy in Sibiu, conveyed to those present: ”I am convinced that the discussions and collaborations that will take place today will open the way to new discoveries and innovations that will shape a better future for all of us - researchers, professors and students alike, military and civilian representatives of the international academic community.”

The opening ceremony of the conference continued with the messages of General (r) Prof. Teodor Frunzeti PhD, President of the Military Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, Prof. Eng. Costică Atanasiu PhD, President of the Technical Mechanics Section of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, Prof. Eng. Anton Hadăr PhD, Vice-president of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, who read the message of Prof. Eng. Doina Banciu PhD, President of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, and with the message of Prof. acad. Dorel Banabic PhD, President of the Technical Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy.

A special episode of the official opening of the conference was represented by the awarding of the title of "Honorary Senator of the Land Forces Academy" to Col. (r) Ovidiu Purdea-Someș, former editor-in-chief of the Land Forces Magazine, to Prof. Eng. Doina Liana Pîslă PhD, from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, and to Assoc. prof. Raluca Viman-Miller PhD, from the University of North Georgia, USA.

In the plenary session of the conference, the following papers were presented as well: Assoc. prof. Raluca Viman-Miller PhD, who spoke about "Knowledge, power and freedom", Assoc. prof. Silviu Nate PhD, from the "Lucian Blaga" University in Sibiu, on "Russia's hegemonic war started in the Black Sea" and Prof. acad. Dorel Banabic PhD, who presented details on the "Progress in the simulation of metal formation processes".

On the sidelines of the conference, the Romanian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics met in the academy, for the round table where topics within the field of activity of the commission members were discussed.

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