At “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, during the second week of April, the students participating in the International Semester benefited from the expertise of a UK instructor from the Headquarters Land Warfare Centre, International Defence Training, Lt.Col. James Askew.

54 second-year cadets from the Faculty of Military Sciences, specializing in Military Leadership and 38 foreign students from partner civilian or military higher education institutions from Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Republic of Moldova and the USA, who are doing study and internship mobility at our institution, within the Erasmus+ program, attended this activity.

For the second year in a row, Lt.Col. James Askew brought to the students’ attention current issues on the importance of Cultural Awareness for the accomplishment of missions in different theatres of operations and for the development of the skills needed to successfully operate in multinational, multiculturally diverse contexts.

“When students leave their Academies, they are likely to be deployed on multinational tasks soon after. These can range from working in a NATO HQ to deploying in a multinational exercise or operation to delivering training to another foreign Army. This Course has taught the students how to develop their cultural competence: how to communicate better, how to behave effectively and appropriately with people from other cultures, and how to handle the psychological demands in these circumstances. It is a privilege to work with other nationalities. This training helps the students to make the most of these experiences,” said Lt.Col. James Askew.

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