During March 18-20, the Military Academy of Lisbon organized the pilot activity entitled “The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Teaching of Foreign Languages”. The event planned within the Line of Development 18 (LoD18) - Language Education and Training, organized under the auspices of the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers (EMILYO), had as the main purpose the promoting of teaching of courses in English and encouraging the participation of teaching staff from European institutions of higher military education in international professional training workshops.
Our colleagues, Assoc. Prof. Isabela-Anda Dragomir, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Sebastian-Emanuel Stan, PhD, Assist. Prof. Alina-Gabriela Negoescu, PhD, Assist. Prof. Alina-Elena Oneț, PhD, and Teacher Didactic Deg. I Oana-Alida Bușe, joined the 50 teachers from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Spain, Greece, Latvia and Poland to disseminate knowledge and experience regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the act of teaching-learning-evaluation.
Furthermore, Assoc. Prof. Sebastian-Emanuel Stan, PhD lectured on “The Importance of Human Resources Management in the Context of the Development of Artificial Intelligence” to 60 military students from the Engineering and Economic Sciences specializations from the third and fourth years of the Bachelor's and Master's programmes at the Portuguese Military Academy.
The involvement in the organization and the managing of the event of our third year cadent, Emanuel Moroca, Military Leadership specialization, who is on Erasmus+ mobility at the Portuguese Academy, was remarkable. He presented, together with other colleagues, a unique perspective from the point of view of students, on the phenomenon of artificial intelligence.