Transnational Meeting in the framework of the Erasmus cooperation project
Interdisciplinary Education and Training on Hybrid Warfare

From 12 to 15 of September 2022, a delegation from "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy of Sibiu attended the second Transnational Project Meeting in the framework of the Erasmus cooperation project Interdisciplinary Education and Training on Hybrid Warfare, organized by the University of Public Services in Budapest, Hungary.

The meeting had the purpose of coordinating the activities within the project, which aims to develop a reference curriculum addressing issues related to hybrid warfare. It also intends to serve as a starting point for the redesign of curricula and the introduction of a course on the countering aspects of hybrid warfare into bachelor or master programs’ curricula. The main objective of this project is to develop a handbook, a teaching methodology for education, training and simulation in the context of hybrid warfare.

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