„Cultural Awareness in times of COVID”

On Monday, 17th of May, the final meeting of Romanian and Portuguese students participating in the project "Cultural Awareness in times of COVID" took place. The project was conducted by the "Nicolae Bălcescu" Land Forces Academy in Sibiu in collaboration with the Military Academy in Lisbon, Portugal. For about two months, students in the first and third year of "Engineering and management of military communications systems" Bachelor`s study program, under the guidance of Assist. Prof. Alina Negoescu, PhD, had several online meetings on the Moodle platform, with students from the Military Academy in Lisbon, coordinated by Prof. Sofia Menezes, PhD.

This project offered students the opportunity to initiate international relations and to be acquainted with the reality of another military academy. The project focused on presenting different cultural customs and the use of English as the main tool for real-time communication, applying the knowledge acquired in class.

The final meeting consisted of a question and answer session expressed by cadets from the two academies, there were also presented the results of the collaboration and the lessons learned during the project.

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