The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Visits the Land Forces Academy

During April 10-12, 2019, a commission, which included Prof. Mihail Anton, Ph.D. (the "Carol I" National Defence University of Bucharest), Prof. Claudiu Coman, Ph.D. (the Transilvania University of Brasov) and student Dumitru-Cristian Opris (the "Carol I" National Defence University of Bucharest), came to the Land Forces Academy for the periodical external evaluation of the field of MILITARY SCIENCES master studies.

The commission verified the fulfillment of the mandatory normative requirements according to the “Methodology of external evaluation of the standards, of reference standards and of the list of performance indicators of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 14.12.2017” (“Metodologia de evaluare externa a standardelor, a standardelor de referinta si a listei indicatorilor de performanta a Agentiei Romane de Asigurare a Calitatii in Invatamantul Superior, din 14.12.2017”.

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