On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, started the second phase of the educational/public diplomacy project “The aNATOmy of an Alliance”. The first meeting of the second stage, entitled “The Young Train the Younger”, was hosted by the National College “Horia, Closca si Crisan" Alba Iulia. The activity was organized in partnership with the Alba County School Inspectorate and involved students from the National College “Horia, Closca si Crisan" and from “Dionisie Pop Martian” Economic College. An exhibition promoting the North Atlantic Alliance, moderated by the cadets of “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy in Sibiu, was followed by open discussions on NATO topics aimed to facilitate the dissemination of NATO culture from the military to the civilian world, by widening the students’ knowledge and encouraging positive attitudes towards the role and relevance of the Alliance in the 21st century.