Head of the graduating class of the "Centenary of the Great Union" of the Land Forces Academy

As a natural consequence of the thorough training and pleasure for the chosen career and personal ambition, Second Lieutenant Sorina Denisa Potcovaru continued her performance, becoming the head of the graduating class of the "Centenary of the Great Union" of the Land Forces Academy

Originally from Arges, the young woman astonished her parents at the age of 14 when she chose to pursue the military career. He graduated from the "Dimitrie Cantemir" Breaza National Military College as the head of the graduating class. Her passion for reading materialized in the awards obtained at the national and international Olympiads, results that ensured her admission without an examination at the LFA, our institution being her only option. She remained as ambitious as ever, her academic itinerary being dominated by much work, responsibility and performance. Ranking first, with the 9.73grade, at the Public Administration program of study, the Quartermaster military specialty, her results came from a personal ambition. "I followed my way, but I have always said to myself that the standard should not be lowered and that it is necessary to find some balance. From my point of view, the key to success is work and, of course, enjoying what you do, because otherwise it is useless work ", confesses Sorina.

She will never forget the first roll call emotions or the first commands as chief master sergeant, especially since her colleagues were in front of her, most of them boys. But the emotions were forgotten, and the fact that she was part of the body of the graduates determined her to be an example for others, excelling in her actions and treating each task seriously. All of this shaped her as a specialist, a fighter, a leader and a good citizen. In addition to being a military student, Sorina is also a student at a second faculty, attending the courses of the Law Faculty of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, the young being passionate about this field.

Now, at the end of the three years of study, Sorina walks with confidence on the new road she has taken, collecting the fruits of an exceptional journey, the title of head of graduating class, which certifies the thoroughness of the training and of the performances obtained in the institution where her name will remain for ever engraved on the marble including the generations of the LFA young performers. Congratulations to Sorina and a lot of success on the same road of performance!

Semper Una!

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Photo Credit: Elena Andrei

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