Lucrări elaborate şi / sau publicate:

1.     Dănuţ Moşteanu, Ghiţă Bîrsan, Luminiţa Giurgiu, Lucian Trefaş, Comparative Study on Obtaining Volatile Oils from Mentha Piperita,2008 9th WSEAS International Conferences On Mathematics and Computers in Biology and Chemistry Bucharest, 24-26 June, ISBN 978-960-6766-75-6,ISSN1790-5125, pg.27-29;

2.      Luminiţa Giurgiu, Ghiţă Bîrsan, Moşteanu Dănuţ, Web Syndication in Educational Enviroment, 50th International Symposium ELMAR 2008,10-13September, Zadar, Croatia,;

3.     Dănuţ Moşteanu, Ghiţă Bîrsan, Simona Miclăuş, Paul Bechet, Study regarding the volatile oils obtained by means of hydrodistillation in void and microwaves system, a V-a Conferinţă internaţională S.I.P.A. 22-24 Noiembrie 2007,, ISBN 978-973-638-348-9;

4.     Dănuţ Moşteanu, Ghiţă Bîrsan, Luminiţa Giurgiu, Oancea Romana, The optimizing of the microwaves on void hydro distillation process, a V-a Conferinţă internaţională S.I.P.A. 22-24 Noiembrie 2007, www.SIPA, ISBN 978-973-638-348-9;

5.     Moşteanu Dănuţ, Miclăuş Simona, Bîrsan Ghiţă, Reasearch Regarding the Obtaining Volatile Oils from Native Plants in an under Vacuum Microwave System, the 17th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE17, 26-31 mai 2007, Bucureşti, Elsevier B.V./Ltd. all rights reserved, ISBN 978-0-444-53158-2,;

6.     Dănuţ Moşteanu, Simona Miclăuş, Bîrsan Ghiţă, Research regarding the Obtaining Volatile oils from Native Plants in an under Vacuum Microwave System, 17th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE, Journal of Computer Aided Process Engineering, 2007;

7.     Dănuţ Moşteanu, The optimizing of the microwaves hydrodistillation, Machine building and technosfere of the XXI century International Science and Engineering Conference, Donetsk, Sevastopol Ukraine, September 11-16 the 2006;

8.     Dănuţ Moşteanu, A comparative study regarding the quality of the volatile oils obtained by means of hidrodistillation, Machine building and technosfere of the XXI century International Science and Engineering Conference, Donetsk, Sevastopol Ukraine, September 11-16 the 2006;

9. Ghiţă BÎRSAN, Modeling and simulation - INTRODUCTION COURSE, Editura Academiei Forţelor Terestre, Sibiu, 2006, 296 pagini, ISBN 973-7809-46-7, 978-973-7809-46-9;

10.     Dănuţ Moşteanu, Simona Miclăuş, Bîrsan Ghiţă, Research regarding the Obtaining Volatile oils from Native Plants in an under Vacuum Microwave System, 17th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE, Journal of Computer Aided Process Engineering, 2007 (lucrare acceptată spre publicare);

11.     Bîrsan Ghiţă, Bechet P., Gavrilă L., Vătămanu C., A Simulation to Represent the Mapping of Systems Measure of Performances to single System Measure of Effectiveness, Revista Academiei Forţelor Terestre nr. 4 (40) 2004, pag. 155-160, ISSN 1582-6384;

12.     Bîrsan Ghiţă, Haş Ioan, Lică-Mihăilă Gabriela, Considerations Regarding the Mechanical Behavior of Materials under Hydrostatic Pressure / Consideraţii privind comportarea mecanică a materialelor sub presiune hidrostatică, the XIIth International Conference Man in the Knowledge Based Organization, Land Forces Academy, 12-13 June, Sibiu;

13.     Bîrsan Ghiţă, Bechet Paul, Barbu Mădălin, A Basic Theoretical Model for Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis of the Thick-Walled Tubes Subjected to an Internal Pressure, International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2007, May 2-4, 2007, Brno, Czech Rep.;

14.      Miclăuş S., Bechet P., Estimated and measured values of the radiofrequency radiation power density around cellular base stations, Romanian Journal of Physics, vol.52, no.3-4, pp. 399-410, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, ISSN 1221-146X, Bucharest, 2007;

15.      Sandu D.D., Goiceanu C., Ispas A., Creangă I., Miclăuş S., Creangă D.E., A preliminary study on UHF effects on Black Locust chlorophylls, Acta Biologica Hungarica, vol. 56 (1-2), pp.109-117, ISSN 0236-5383, 2005 - revista cotata ISI si indexata in Web of Science, PubMed, Biosis Previwes, Current Contens Connect, CAB Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Index Copernicus;

16.     Miclăuş S., Bechet P., Olariu O.V., Demeter S., Computation of radiofrequency field deposition in biological exposed models by an analytical method, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, vol.15, no.1-4, pp. 47-54, ISSN: 1220-515X, Bucharest, 2005 ;

17.     Bechet P., Miclăuş S., Demeter S., Popa M., Bora M., Continuous and Digital Modulated Radiofrequency Fields Propagation in Planar Biological Models, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Istanbul, Turkey, vol.2, pp. 1241-1244, ISBN: 0-7803-7779-6 - revista indexata in ISI Proceedings, Inspec si Google Scholar;

18.     Miclăuş S., Bechet P., Demeter S., Olariu O., Modulation Influence on RF Fields Power Deposition Inside Biological Objects: A Dosimetric Analysis on Layered Planar and Spherical Models, Proceedings of the Internat. Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, ISBN 84-87078-05-2, Madrid, Spania, 23-28 mai 2004, revistă indexată în baza de date Google Scholar;

19.     Giurgiu Luminiţa, The use of blogs in education, the XIIIth International Conference "Man in the Knowledge Based Organization", Land Forces Academy, Section Computer Science, Modeling & Simulation and E-learning Technologies and Solutions for the Engineering Domain, Sibiu, november 2007, ISSN 1843-6722;

20.     Giurgiu Luminiţa, Some Implications of Social Software, the XIIIth International Conference "Man in the Knowledge Based Organization", Land Forces Academy, Section Computer Science, Modeling & Simulation and E-learning Technologies and Solutions for the Engineering Domain, Sibiu, november 2007, ISSN 1843-6722;

21.     Vasile Căruţaşu, Numerical solution of two-dmensional nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind by spline functions, General Mathematics, vol. 9, No. 1-2, 2001, pp. 57-83, ISSN 1221-5023;

22.     Vasile Căruţaşu, Degenerate Method Kernels' Application Modified When Approximately Solving Uryson Type Integral Equations, Revista Academiei Forţelor Terestre, Sibiu, No. 4(40), 2005, pp. 188-194, ISSN 1582-6384;

23.     Vasile Căruţaşu, Combat Means Shifting Optimizing within Tactical Field, Buletinul ştiinţific al Academiei Forţelor Terestre, Sibiu, No. 2(22), 2006, pp. 62-69, ISSN 1224-5178;

24.     Vasile Căruţaşu, Using Mathematical Models in the Decision Making Process, 7-8 March, 2007, Brno, Czech Republic;

25.     Vasile Căruţaşu, The Optimization of Military Operations, 7-8 November, 2007, Budapest, Hungary.

26.     dr. ing. V. Şomoghi, ing. G. Epure, ing. V. Dinescu, dr. ing. M. Şerban, ing. S. Manta Testarea în teren a teledetectorului pentru agenţi chimici toxici, TEHNICA MILITARĂ

27.     dr. ing. V. Şomoghi, ing. G. Epure, ing. V. Dinescu, dr. ing. N. Grigoriu - Testarea complexă a mijloacelor pentru detecţia agenţilor chimici toxici , TEHNICA MILITARĂ

28.      ing. G. Epure, ing. V. Dinescu ing. C. Toader, dr. ing. N. Grigoriu Studiu comparativ privind performanţele echipamentelor de detecţie chimică (flamfotometrie versus mobilitate ionică), APĂRAREA N.B.C.

29.      dr. ing. V. Şomoghi, ing. G. Epure, ing. V. Dinescu,ing. M. CUTUHAN, Procedurarea testării complexe a detectoarelor pentru agenţi chimici toxici, TEHNICA MILITARĂ

30.     dr. ing. V. Şomoghi, ing. G. Epure, ing. V. Dinescu, ing. C. LĂZĂROAIE,ing. S. Manta Testarea în teren a teledetectorului pentru agenţi chimici toxici

Articole/studii publicate:

         a) În reviste de specialitate de circulaţie internaţională recunoscute, cotate ISI sau indexate în baze de date internaţionale specifice domeniului (Ris)

31. Miclăuş S., Morega M., Characterisation of the electromagnetic environment in a TEM cell for exposure of small biological samples in the UHF band, Romanian Journal of Physics, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, vol. 55, no.1-2, ISSN 1221-146X, Bucharest, 2010 - revista cotata ISI.

32. Racuciu M., Miclăuş S., Creangă D.E., The response of plant tissues to magnetic fluid and electromagnetic exposure, Romanian Journal of Biophysics, vol. 19, no.1, Romanian Academy Press, ISSN: 1220-515X, 2009 - revistă indexată IndexCopernicus.

33. Surcel D., Dabala D., Szanto C., Miclăuş S., Boţoc M., Hriscu M., Free Radicals, Lipid Peroxidation and Immune Response in Experimental Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, Epidemiology, 20(6): S118-S119 (ISEE 21st Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, August 25-29, 2009: Symposium Abstracts), ISSN 1044-3983, November 2009 - revistaă cotataă ISI.

34. Dabala D., Surcel D., Szanto C., Miclăuş S., Boţoc M., Toader S., Rotaru O., Cellular response in experimental exposure to electromagnetic fields, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Serie: Electrotechnique et energetique, tome 53, no 2, pp.21-29, ISSN 0035-4066, Bucharest, 2008 - revistaă cotată ISI.

35. Morega M., Miclăus S., Machedon A., Analysis of the Elecromagnetic Field in a controlled enclosure for biological dosimetry, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques. Serie: Electrotechnique et energetique, tome 53, no 2, pp. 225-235, ISSN 0035-4066, Bucharest, 2008 - revista cotata ISI.

36. Dabala D., Surcel D., Szanto C., Miclăuş S., Boţoc M., Toader S., Rotaru O., Oxidative and immune response in experimental exposure to electromagnetic fields, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol.29: Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment, pp.105-109, ISBN 978-1-58603-860-1, IOS Press, Netherlands, 2008 - revista indexata INSPEC si Engineering Village.

37. Miclăuş S., Racuciu M., A dosimetric study for experimental exposures of vegetal tissues to radiofrequency fields, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol.29: Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment, pp.133-141, ISBN 978-1-58603-860-1, IOS Press, Netherlands, 2008, revistaă indexată INSPEC si Engineering Village.

38. Racuciu M., Miclăuş S., Creangă D.E., Non-thermal, continuous and modulated RF field effects on vegetal tissue developed from exposed seeds, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol.29: Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment, pp.142-149, ISBN 978-1-58603-860-1, IOS Press, Netherlands, 2008 - revista indexata INSPEC si Engineering Village.

        b) Lucrări publicate în reviste din ţari recunoscute C.N.C.S.I.S. (Rns)
39. Velicof M., Miclăus S., An analysis of radiological dispersion devices in terms of nuclear hazard, Revista AFT nr. 2/2010, Sibiu

Articole/studii publicate în volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice:

        a) Internaţionale recunoscute (cu ISSN sau ISBN) din străinătate (Vi)
40. Miclăuş S., Racuciu M., Morega M., Assimilatory Pigments and Nucleic Acid Concentrations of Vegetal Tissue Exposed to Low Level 900MHz Controlled Field, BioEM2009 - Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Davos, Switzerland, 14-19 June 2009.

        b) naţionale (Vn)
41. Pompas V., Tudoran C., Surducan V., Neamţu C., Roman N. M., Miclăuş S., Surducan E., Thermal microwaves power treatments for medical applications, Conf. Nat. de Biofizica, Cluj Napoca, 1-3 octombrie 2009.

42. Szombatfalvi Torok F., Miclăuş S., O abordare antropologicaă a interacţiei campurilor electromagnetice prezente în mediul de viaţă cu corpul uman, Simpozionul "Zilele FR.I.RAINER - Antropologia sşi orizonturile ei", Academia Română, Bucureşti, 28 ian. 2009.

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