Department of Science
The new security environment has generated reforms at the level of the military organization due to the emergent
discontinuities in the social capacities of information processing with direct implications on the possibilities of
identifying new sources of insecurity. The new asymmetric conflicts will be more and more influenced by the sophisticated
last generation technologies also reflected by the transfer of the confrontations from the energetic towards the informational.
The efforts to improve the allied capabilities in the sphere of the CBRN defense date back from the Prague Summit from November
2002, where the allies endorsed five initiatives in the field of defense against nuclear, biological and chemical weapons as part
of the engagements regarding the Prague capabilities. In the present context of proliferation of the threats and destruction capabilities
in the C.B.R.N. domain, detection and decontamination are two fundamental components of C.B.R.N. defense.
The workshop is part of the spirit of promoting scientific collaboration and openness to new directions for research in
CBRN defense.
Approached Topics: 1. Chemical and biological detection, 2. Chemical and biological equipment control,
3. Intervention in emergencies nuclear, chemical, radiological and environmental emissions, other than attack.
Participants: Teachers and researchers: Land Forces Staff Bucharest, Military Technical Academy Bucharest,
Centre for Scientific Research and Ecology CBRN Defense Bucharest, Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei Bucharest,
CBRN Defense Instruction Base-Muscel, Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Sibiu and Land Forces Academy "Nicolae Balcescu" Sibiu.