Objective III.1: Constructive optimization of certain architectural variants of industrial robots proposed for implementation in the selected activities Activity 1.1. Conception, calculus, design of mobile movable systems that are components of the mechanical structure of the modular serial industrial robots
Activity 1.2. Modelling of the mobile movable systems that are components of the mechanical structure of the modular serial industrial robots
Objective III.2: Functional optimization of certain architectural variants of industrial robots proposed for implementation in the selected activities Activity 2.1. Highlighting the workspace and the trajectory of the characteristic point based on the movement laws imposed by the prehension device
Activity 2.2. Finding an algorithm for the dynamic-organologic optimization regarding the choice of an architecture of industrial robot capable of responding to the selected logistic activity within the chosen flexible cell
Objective III.3: Testing and validation of the type of organization of the selected flexible cell and of the structure of industrial robot proposed for being implemented in the military logistic system Activity 3.1. Virtual testing and verification of the application and the realization of a data base of the testing, analysis and evaluation
Activity 3.2. Operational testing in the real working environment, establishing and implementing corrective actions and validating the obtained results